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Making their home in grasslands, forests, and floating islands, Nidhogs dominate Archos's Skies. Their peculiar obsession with metallic objects has earned them reverence among Archos's Dwarven population, as the Dwarves originally discovered their home in the mountains by following the Nidhog's natural metal ore-tracking abilities. Nidhogs have two sets of wings, giving them unparalleled control and speed in the air. (Text from the press kit)


A large flying creature resembling a wyvern, the Nidhog is a territorial predator with a powerful jaw.


Knocking out a Nidhog can prove difficult, they are easily distracted as they will attack almost anything, this can make it difficult to hit the Nidhog with stone hook arrows or iron hook arrows.

They can hit hard without proper gear so be sure to wear a good leather set (uncommon or higher) or mithril armor.

If they get close to being knocked out they will fly away, don't worry they will come back unless they are distracted by another creature.

The Nidhog is a carnivore that prefers food in the following order:







Similar to the griffin, however they gain more stats per level point.


Left click attack is a regular close combat attack doing low amounts of damage.

Using ctrl or alt click will activate its strong attack, a barrel roll into the enemy. Dealing a moderate amount of AoE damage.

Like the Griffin it can also pick up creatures with its right click:

  • Player

Wild nidhog
